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The Power of Curiosity

Dave Beam


Knowledge is the enemy of learning.  Isn’t that an interesting statement? 


     When I know, I quit seeking.  When I’m satisfied, I quit looking. When I’m convinced, I reject any opposing thought.  When I’m sure it’s impossible, it is. 


     But if I don’t know, then I’m curious.  I’m seeking.  I’m awake and aware.  I am interested and open.  I’m hungry.  I consider all possibilities.


     Strong opinions and judgments shut down creativity.  Strong ego sees what it sees, knows what it knows, and rejects any opposing viewpoint. 


    Describe a penny.  Your description will depend on your perspective.  Are you looking at the head, or the tail, or the edge?  Are you looking through a microscope, or from across the room?  You see the Lincoln memorial, and another person sees Lincoln’s head, and a third person describes a thin piece of copper.  How can you have three opposing descriptions, and they all be correct?


     Discovery occurs in the context of curiosity.  I challenge you to set aside what you know and ask more questions.  Allow unfamiliar thoughts and ideas to enter your mind.  Does that frighten you?  Does that excite you?  Does that threaten you?  Does that anger you?  Isn’t that interesting?


     Dropping what you know and becoming curious opens the world.  You don’t change what’s actually there by opening your mind.  However, if you are curious, you will perceive more of what’s there.  If you want to solve a problem, or break through a limitation, then drop what you know and become curious.  Sure, it’s uncomfortable, but all growth occurs outside of comfort.  Ask another question.  What if it could work?  What if that were possible?  How could it work?  What if you started asking what if?  What might you discover?  What might happen?  Wouldn’t it be fun to find out?  Are you up for the adventure?  How about giving it a go? 


What if you had a great coach to sit with you, and consider possibilities, and ask you compelling questions?  What might you discover that you are currently missing?  How could that change your situation? 


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