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Reality is in the Mind of the Beholder, and It Influences Outcomes!

Dave Beam

   Don’t misunderstand the title.  If your checkbook is properly reconciled and balanced, then that final number after all the addition and subtraction is reality, no matter what you wish, think, or believe.  If you step on an accurate scale in the morning after your shower, the digital numbers that appear are real and don’t lie.  There is objective fact and truth in the world regardless of how I feel or what I think.  And ignoring the facts is called denial. So, what is this created reality?


   In addition to WHAT is occurring, there is HOW it occurs to you.  That perception of what is occurring to you is YOUR created reality. 



 By changing your perception, you can recreate created reality. That is powerful.

   It is not the objective circumstances alone, but objective circumstances plus subjective perception, that determines your response, reaction, feelings, performance, and actions.  This created reality also influences your perception of everything else that is occurring in your world.  Each person’s perception is their own and differs from everyone else’s.  You and I can look at the same picture and see two different things.  We can hear the same conversation and come away with completely different messages, emotions, and responses.  We can play the same game and have a very different experience.  Our experience is subjective reality.


   Think about it.  Let this soak in.  If you can see how you can change your reality through changing your language, thoughts, beliefs, values, action and feelings about what is occurring, then you can create new outcomes for yourself. 


     Most people allow their past and present experience to create their current reality which leads to a future that is much like the past.   But we have the spiritual and mental capacity to dream, project, and plan using chosen perceptions based on our goals and aspirations.  This new reality, or new stance enables us to function and perform in ways that will create outcomes and results in line with our new perception.  I recommend a book by Tracy Goss entitled The Last Word on Power for more details on this fascinating and amazing reality.


What reality would you like to create?


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