Life is a gift. Life is short. You have hopes. You have dreams. You have intentions.
A conversation you intend to have; that apology you think about offering; that certain gift you would love to give to that very special person; that the thank you card you are always going to write. A letter of gratitude to a hero that influenced your life.
You have thought many times about a book you could write, or a certain recipe you have always wanted to try, a picture you would love to paint, and that song within you that you want to release to the world. You’ve thought about playing the guitar, or violin, or maybe the tuba. You have a saxophone, or trumpet, or flute in your closet, and you occasionally think about digging it out and playing it again. Visiting a lonely person and brightening their day?
You have a mountain you would like to climb, a boat you would like to sail, a grown child you would like to kiss, a distant family member you would like to see again and have a face-to-face conversation and coffee. Maybe you would love to work with me as your coach!!!
There’s a pair of shoes you would like to have. You always thought it would be fun to take voice lessons, or golf lessons, or enroll in a course at that school. That seminar. That cruise. A business you want to start. A certain job you want to have. How about playing that certain golf course, or signing up for that athletic challenge. Perhaps a triathlon. Italy? France? England? North Dakota? There is a car that you have pictured yourself driving. Chess anyone? There’s a vacation you have dreamed about taking. An interesting restaurant you’ve wanted to try. Maybe a mission trip to help some struggling people, or a church you thought about visiting. That book you intend on reading. There is that certain organization that you believe in that you have always wanted to bless with a big fat check.
Life is a gift. Life is short. What’s on your list? Will you at this very moment choose one thing – you know which one – and take the first step and just go for it?
If you do, let me know so I can celebrate with you!!
To persevere is to continue when facing difficulty. The culture promotes comfort and luxury as the ultimate good. The reality is that those who are most alive and satisfied are those who fight, persevere, and win the battle.
Hardship provides an opportunity for growth and development. Sustained resistance builds strength. Testing and trial separate the excellent from the average and produce champions.
How do you determine if a person is trustworthy? How do they respond when facing problems? Do they persevere until they solve the problem, or do they give up? A leader that can be trusted is a leader that refuses to quit.
So how does one develop such perseverance? There is only one way. It is by facing difficulty, hardship, and suffering with endurance and resolve. Perseverance is a muscle that grows strong through lifting heavy weights.
Are you facing difficulty, carrying a heavy weight, or fighting a fierce battle? Be encouraged and realize that this is your opportunity to grow mentally stronger through perseverance. The true battleground is not your circumstances but is between your ears. Keep mentally focused on the goal, and refuse to give up! You will likely slip and falter, but you can learn much from falling. Then you can get up and keep going.
Dale Carnegie, world-renowned author and speaker said it this way: “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping-stones to success”.