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Speed Up by Slowing Down!

Dave Beam

It’s one of those interesting paradoxes in business and life: sometimes to get something done faster, you actually need to slow down.  The old adage “haste makes waste” is so often true.


How you start your day is a practical application of this principle.  Over a year ago, my coach asked me to add an unusual task to my morning routine.  She asked me obtain a 15 minute hour glass and start using it to just sit and think every morning for 15 minutes – and do nothing else.  It is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to learn!  After all, there is so much to do!  Just to “slow down” at the start of the day and sit and think for a full 15 minutes straight.  If you haven’t done that before, I challenge you to give it a try.


What I have been learning is that when I am calm, focused, and settled that more gets accomplished.  When I am present and fully engaged, I function at an enhanced level.  I work from a place of understanding and perspective and wisdom.  I don’t waste time and activity on trivialities.  I tend to choose the more important tasks that help move me toward the accomplishment of my goals.  I gain a more accurate and realistic perspective on my projects and relationships as I allow my emotions to calm and my thoughts to clear.


Pausing, listening, breathing, smiling, focusing….all of these are examples of slowing the pace in order to accomplish more.  There are only so many hours in a day.  It really comes down to how effective you are as you invest each precious moment.  I challenge you to invest the first part of every day in preparing yourself.  Make it a priority to rest and get adequate sleep, to read, to pray, to meditate, and to think.  All of these “slow down” activities will pay great dividends and vastly accelerate your results.  So relax and ease up ………… and move forward!!


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